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Research Articles

  • Who conducts our research?

    We have a team of writers and research specialists who dedicate their spare time to conducting research for our organization. The research is based on validated scientifical sources, and sometimes fellow non-governmental organizations such as UNICEF.

  • Your opinion matters!

    Our core motto is to keep learning every day. That is why we care about your opinions and insights on our research articles! Please leave a comment on our articles, and if you have any ideas about interesting research topics, let us know!

social issues, sri lanka, Child protection, Children rights, Ethnic conflict Anastasia Pinkse | Volunteer Manager social issues, sri lanka, Child protection, Children rights, Ethnic conflict Anastasia Pinkse | Volunteer Manager

Part 2: The state of Sri Lanka

In this article, part 2 on postcolonialism, we turn the page from what postcolonialism is and which countries it applies to, to a more specific case: the current state of Sri Lanka. In this article, we are going to look into the question of whether the state of Sri Lanka could be connected to postcolonialism and its theories, which were discussed in ‘part 1: What is postcolonialism?’.

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social issues, sri lanka, Child protection, Children rights, Ethnic conflict Anastasia Pinkse | Volunteer Manager social issues, sri lanka, Child protection, Children rights, Ethnic conflict Anastasia Pinkse | Volunteer Manager

Part 1: What is postcolonialism?

This article will define when a country is considered to be postcolonial, followed by an explanation of what postcolonialism is and its well-known theories. ‘What is postcolonialism?’ is the first part of a series of two articles which will explore postcolonialism and the impact it had on Sri Lanka.

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development, childpsychology, mowgli, junglebook, feralchild, youngteens, preschool, humancontact Anastasia Pinkse | Volunteer Manager development, childpsychology, mowgli, junglebook, feralchild, youngteens, preschool, humancontact Anastasia Pinkse | Volunteer Manager

Why human contact is vital for the development of children

This article will discuss the development of a child from birth until young teens (12-14 years), highlighting phases when human contact is most important and explaining why. The article will end with a few examples of cases where children were deprived of human contact and the effect it had on their development.

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environment, sustainability, sri lanka, education, development Anastasia Pinkse | Volunteer Manager environment, sustainability, sri lanka, education, development Anastasia Pinkse | Volunteer Manager

Why education must contribute to combatting climate crisis

Through education, children learn about climate change and can participate in spreading awareness and taking action in this matter from a young age. In this manner, the next generation encompasses knowledge about minimizing their carbon footprint and healing their environments.

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“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.”

-Zara Neale Hurston