Here you can read our research articles, written by our research and development specialists!
Research Articles
Who conducts our research?
We have a team of writers and research specialists who dedicate their spare time to conducting research for our organization. The research is based on validated scientifical sources, and sometimes fellow non-governmental organizations such as UNICEF.
Your opinion matters!
Our core motto is to keep learning every day. That is why we care about your opinions and insights on our research articles! Please leave a comment on our articles, and if you have any ideas about interesting research topics, let us know!
How to support someone who’s struggling with their mental health
In Our World Data’s latest study it was shown that 13% of the world's population suffers from mental health and substance use disorders in 2022. Little Leaders Foundation (LLF) wants to help spread this urgent matter and take part in the battle to come closer to global mental health equity.
“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.”
-Zara Neale Hurston